This business is your Passion

You even quit your 9-5 to be your own boss and live the entrepreneurial dream. But it’s turned into a nightmare. Now…



your business was a money-making machine serving your ideal clients; the doubting, self-limiting voices in your head quieted; and you obtained the success and recognition of your dreams?


Let me take you by the hand and share with you
the exact steps I took to build a six-figure business, overcome the common pitfalls of business ownership, and disregard the limiting expectations of others.


No matter how long you’ve been in business…

Even if you are an independent entrepreneur or in a franchise or direct sales business…

And even if that little voice inside your head tells you that you don’t have what it takes – you’re not really an entrepreneur…


It’s 8:30 pm and you’re not with your family…there is work to be done. There always is. You feel like you’re drowning.

You work constantly, but when will it pay? I mean, really pay? You avoid looking at the books because you just can’t face it again. But it’s time.

Reluctantly your sweaty, shaking hands access the bank account. Dread fills you when you realize that you will have to choose which bills to pay this month… again. The pressure mounts.

You tell yourself that next week, next month, next year will be different. Others pile up achievements while you feel exhausted, doubtful and overwhelmed.

Have you ever had this thought?…

Whoever said, “do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life,” certainly wasn’t talking about your business.

You remember those dreams, don’t you? Being your own boss. Proudly opening the doors to ardent customers who love you and can’t wait to give you their business.

It all felt so right. You were a skilled expert and trusted professional! Owning your own business equaled freedom and recognition.

You were going to be a leader in your community and everyone would seek your advice and support. It was all you’ve ever dreamed of.

But to be honest, it hasn’t worked out that way. You’re confused. You’re frustrated. You feel trapped and alone. It’s time to admit you’re not making much money.

Your partner has to pick up the slack… again. You consider getting another job just to make ends meet.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

In fact, with a few tweaks you can get off the nightmarish sales teeter-totter – up one week and down the next – eliminate exhaustion, and create a business that is consistent, that grows and that helps you reach those dreams.

I know what you’re thinking, “Sure, but HOW?”

Hi, I’m Sharon Galluzzo, Creator of The PLAN Piper Training Program and President of Sharon Galluzzo Enterprises. I’ve heard that little voice of doubt in my head, too. Do you know what? It’s lying to you. I ran a successful six-figure business for more than a decade with no business degree and no success track record.

Along the way I discovered some key principles and developed systems that took me from a history of telling myself “it just didn’t work out,” to success that included record-breaking revenue, industry and community awards and recognition, not to mention the lifestyle I always imagined.

From owning my own business to running a business training, coaching and speaking company, I’ve worked with many passionate business owners who never seem to reach their dream of success. Does this sound like you? Working constantly, not making the money you “should,” living in the horror of a business teeter-totter? All you want is a thriving business!

Check out this couple.

They are not MBAs. They love what they do. They are business owners just like you.

And look at what happened when they applied the right techniques…

“The PLAN Piper training has very clear, very concise action steps. We said, we were going to apply these principles. So we did and within 6 months we doubled our sales. And we really felt we were doing something instead of waiting for something to happen, hoping the business got better. As long as you take the action steps the PLAN lays out for you, it works!”

Miguel & Robin Salas

So what separates successful businesses from those that struggle and succumb to the statistics of failure? (20% in the first year 50% by year five)?

Successful business owners and entrepreneurs who empower themselves get support and – who use the techniques and strategies I taught them- gain clarity, focus and achieve their goals. They invested in their success and worked the system.

The second group, the “statistics,” stay trapped in their bad habits, are consumed by frustration, and stuck in the day-to-day struggle. They start to believe that they are not cut out for business, or the timing is just not right, or it’s just not their time. They are waiting for something to just happen.


Which of these 5 Rats keep you and your business stuck in a downward spiral of struggle?

As business owners, we can become trapped by ideas and habits that block our ability to get ahead. I call these blocks to business success: Rats… and they keep you and your business floating in an endless sea of sameness.

See if any resonate, if you see yourself in any (or all) of them.

Rat #1: I’m doing what I LOVE! I am living my PASSION! But I don’t get it. I thought it would be easier to make a living. Why is it harder?

Rat #2 : I know my business and I do it well! I don’t need a plan. Every day I’m working from sun up to well into the night. But I’m not getting any traction.

Rat # 3: I don’t understand why I don’t have more customers! The customers I do have are, honestly, not ideal. Don’t they understand how hard I work for them? Where is my “tribe?”

Rat # 4: Every day I hear about some new must-have piece of technology or app or social media platform. I am totally overwhelmed by all the cutting edge choices out there. I don’t want to miss out but I don’t know how to do it all.

Rat #5: I don’t understand why I’m struggling to make this work. I am totally amazing at what I do. Everyone should want to do business with me.

And what happens when you choose to get rid of your Rats?

I did exactly that. It doesn’t happen overnight.

You get rid of your RATS by taking action.

Which means you don’t have to become Super Business Owner.
That’s not it, at all.

You simply need to know what to do.

You know what you love about your business. Now you just need to know what steps to take and how to take them.

TRUTH: The right ACTION gets rid of the rats.


In fact, I bet I’m a lot like you.
I, too, had dreams of success.

I started my brick and mortar business during the recession of 2008. That’s right. When the banks were failing, other businesses were closing their doors and people were losing their homes.

I didn’t know how I was going to build my own business when the economy was failing. I had a decision to make. Pack it in and wait for a “better” time or soldier on and find a way…

…and with hard work, education and investing in myself and my business, I went from scared wannabe to running my own six-figure business and breaking sales records, winning industry & community awards and innovating my whole organization.

And when the time came to transition to a new calling, I used what I learned climbing the ladder to serve other business owners with big dreams.

…a business that lets me have purple hair…

… and write an Amazon Best Selling Book…

…a business that lets me share my ideas, creativity and heart with everyone…

And most important, a business that lets me impact other people’s lives in a big way. Because your business is a big deal to you.

I don’t have a “rags to riches” story or a magical charm to offer and I’m not going to tell you that you will get rich overnight. I think we both know that’s not how it really works. But I will tell you that I’m in your corner and this training can change your business, if you will do the work.

Here’s the thing.

Until you understand the micro strategies that underpin every successful business, you’ll keep doing what you are doing without the income you desire.

But that’s all about to change.

Because NOW you can discover how to harness the power of the PLAN Piper Training to take your business all the way. How far is that? You decide!


What is The PLAN Piper experience like?

Here is what actual business owners had to say

“Sharon’s presentation style is engaging and fun. Her training is a consistent staircase, leading to maximum understanding.”
Craig Mathews – Big Think

The PLAN Piper training is very inspiring with useful information on how to do business which I am excited to implement.
Margo Arrowsmith

Is The PLAN Piper right for your business? ?

I’ll let multiple successful business owner, Kelly, take on this question:

“I would recommend The PLAN Piper training the videos are fun, upbeat and informative. It offers positive steps you can take to stay on task for planning and marketing your business. The PLAN covers many valuable points that could be used in a broad spectrum of businesses.”
Kelly M. Grotte


So, how did I create as successful business with no experience and no degree? How did it happen?

Like I said, there is no magic charm, but there are crucial elements you must have in your business, it will make all the difference in the world – it did for me…

What it takes to create a successful business

Building my businesses, and helping others build theirs, I realized that there are several foundational building blocks that you must have in order to create success.

1 – FOUNDATION – so you can get clear about what moves you forward

The how to of running a business often overshadows the essential need to establish a firm foundation based on you and your goals. Getting clear on these essential building blocks is the first step to building a successful business.

2 – SYSTEMS – to help you stay consistent

Systems are critical to growth. Having doable, replicatable systems in your business make room for expansion. No more wasting time and reinventing the wheel every other week.

3 – A PLAN – so you know the exact steps to take

You have your foundation and established the systems you need, now you need a plan! Where do you want to go and where should your energy be spent to get you there? A million little things can distract you if you don’t have a plan.

4 – SUPPORT – so you don’t feel alone

If it takes a village to raise a child, it certainly takes one to build a business! Put resources in place for encouragement, coaching, support and feedback.


The PLAN Piper Training Program

The PLAN Piper training program is a 5-module training course that teaches you micro strategies to resolve the issues that keep your business stuck.

The PLAN Piper training contains videos, worksheets, cheat sheets, templates, and webinars…

… and everything is recorded, transcribed, and downloadable in multiple formats so you can access it anywhere, anytime.

Module 1 & 2 – Prepare Yourself for Success

I’ll help you identify the most important space in your business and create a custom program to keep you moving forward.

  • How I shut down competitors and created collaborators
  • How my husband used to come home and find me in tears and what I now know was causing it (Hint: it wasn’t hormones!)
  • The 3-Letter word that could be killing your business

Module 3 – Leverage to Grow Your Business

Once you understand what moves you, leverage that knowledge to take your business where YOU want to go.

  • How NOT achieving goals led to greater success
  • The “magic formula” that attracts success to your business
  • How setting the right kind of goals gets you to the next level

Module 4 – Money-Attracting ACTION

Planning is one thing, execution of that plan can be a whole other matter. Discover tactics to keep you in effective motion.

  • Why down times are a good thing
  • What to do when you are overwhelmed with all the training/self-help/motivation options available

Module 5 – The Secret to Continuing Success

Your business is a living, breathing entity and it requires care. Learn how to nurture your business so it can grow and grow!

  • How to take a negative and make it an asset
  • How win-win can grow your business
  • How to leverage “competition” to take you to the top


The PLAN Piper Village
You have Instant Access to the PLAN Piper Facebook Community where you can ask questions, get support, meet like-minded individuals and get Villager-Only Tips, Tricks and Training!

Live Q&A Bonus Calls
As a founding member you will have 6 months access to LIVE question and answer sessions to keep you in ACTION!

Bonus LIVE Sales Goals Webinar
Knowing how and why to set your business sales goals makes a huge difference in achieving them. In this live training you will learn the sales goals setting strategies I use personally that will be the game changer in your business.

Module Three Special Bonus Video “How To”
In Module Three you get an in depth view of some of the most detailed training in the program. Because your success is so important to me I am adding this special bonus video to walk you through establishing goals for your business.

Is The PLAN Piper right for you?

Having a successful business is a lot about knowing who you are and then building on that. In the PLAN Piper training, we focus on that and so much more. Here are some of the questions we often get about the program.

Can I do this program at my own speed?
Of course! With each video under 30 minutes long and worksheets/cheat sheets/tools completed at your own pace, you decide how the PLAN program fits into your schedule. However, I recommend that you do at least one moudule per week. Know also that some modules will take longer if a practice is new to you.

How much time should I put into the PLAN Piper training per week?
On average, each module takes about an hour, although the actual time depends on what module you are working on and your time constraints. I recommend working on at least one module per week. The beauty of this training is that it is here when you need it.

What if I have questions?
Our closed PLAN Piper Village is the perfect place for content questions. Get stuck on a concept? Have a great idea that may help another member? Need help brainstorming? Our Village community is here for you.

I travel a lot. Can I listen to the training?
Yes! You can easily take each PLAN module with you as each training on the video has a corresponding audio track. It’s the perfect way to learn on the go, reinforce or re-listen to the materials.

How fast will I make money?
That depends entirely on you. The PLAN Piper provides the tools and information, you need to implement it. It’s not been my experience that anyone becomes an overnight success – in fact that has never been my success experience. It takes strategy, know how, implementation and lots and lots of work. As with all things in life, you get out what you put in. But I do know from the clients that completed, that if you work the PLAN the PLAN works. My clients have told me it works. I also know because I use it!

Does this work for franchise and MLM businesses?
While The PLAN Piper training is perfect for all businesses, the original concept is to supplement the plans provided to franchises and MLM businesses. I created The PLAN, because I found that despite the plans received, there were still unaddressed gaps in general business principles. But these missing “micro strategies,” as I like to call them, were the KEYS to my business success.

Here’s what you get in The PLAN Piper Training

I understand how important it is to get support as your learn to build the foundation that allows your business to grow. That’s why The PLAN Piper training is packed full of critical micro strategies that take your business from status quo to super star!

  • The complete PLAN Piper Training program (5 Video trainings).
  • Each module comes with tools to take the training deeper with templates, worksheets, spreadsheets, cheat sheets and more.
  • Lifetime access so you can go at your own pace.

Plus you get the following valuable bonuses:

The PLAN Piper Village
Live Q&A Bonus Calls
Bonus LIVE Sales Goals Webinar
Module Three Special Bonus Video “How To”

Get instant access today:



Dream Stealing Fear

People love to tell me about their business dreams. And I love hearing them. Their visions and ideas are so clear and exciting. I can’t help but join in their excitement.

But then the excuses start. In addition to being clear about their dreams, they are also very clear about why they can’t have the success they want, they know the circumstances that prevent them from achieving, they conclude the idea is silly or too big.

What they don’t realize (or maybe want to admit) is that the biggest obstacle isn’t those things at all, it’s fear. And that fear keeps them frozen.

The reason I know this to be true is that every time I take a new step in my business I do it afraid.

Just because you see me on stage, making videos and rocking my business doesn’t I’m not terrified.

Frankly, fear is the reason many people don’t take action and pursue their dreams of business success.

Here’s the thing. If you are waiting for the fear to disappear, it won’t.

So if you are thinking about working with me and The PLAN Piper program you may be feeling some fear right now.

  • The fear that it might not be right for you (without giving it a chance)
  • The fear of not making it work (without giving yourself a chance)
  • The fear that you’ll be trapped in the same endless cycle forever…

The greatest fear of all is passing up the opportunity to do it scared. There are few things sweeter than looking back at what scared you from the other side, arms raised overhead celebrating what you thought would break you.

I’ve learned that the only way to overcome the fear is to take action. And that breaking through that fear has payoffs that surprise me every day.

It’s natural to have fear when doing something that matters, something important. Succeeding in your own business is a big deal, it’s an overwhelming idea.

But having a proven roadmap from someone who built a successful business removes the unknown. How many times have you heard, “you don’t know what you don’t know?” And that unknown can stop you in your tracks and hurt your business.

And if The PLAN Piper training isn’t for you, I get it.

But if you do want to work with me and take your business from status quo to super star, now is the time to decide.

Here’s a secret to making these big decisions – envision the business you want to have, then decide.

That means you have to give up your excuses, let go of procrastination, refuse to keep repeating all the lies and bad habits that keep you stuck, trapped and frustrated. Don’t let the old patterns stop you.

It means envisioning the future you. See yourself in your dream business, see yourself as a success, see yourself freely giving back to your community, see your impact on others, see yourself winning awards, see yourself as you want to be, see that dream vacation,… see it all.

See that person? The one getting it done? What decision would that person make?

Decide from there. Because if you want the success of your dreams, you have to decide to begin NOW. (And I’ll be right there to help!)

Your triumph awaits!

All the best,

P.S. I’m excited to join you on your journey to success. In fact, I can’t wait to meet you. You’re just one click away from getting started now.


The Plan Piper